
Creating opportunities to connect, collaborate, uplift and inspire!
Keynote Presentations
Here you’ll find more information about Pastor Wes’s signature keynote presentations!
Let Your Yes Be Yes
How many of us have made oaths that we did not keep? Most men struggle today in their faith because they cannot stand on their own word. It’s time to stop the wishy washy manhood and ask the Lord to make us into committed and mighty soldiers!
- Title: Let Your Yes Be Yes
- Presentation Run Time: 1hr
- Formats Available: Virtual & In-Person
The ‘Let Your Yes Be Yes’ keynote presentation will cover the following topics and learning outcomes:
- Integrity: The State of Being Whole and Undivided – An assessment of the qualities of being honest and morally upright
- The Definition of Trust – Reestablishing confidence and trust in your dependability
- The Definition of Stability – Creating and implementing expectations of consistency
- The Definition of Commitment – Committing to your word and to God
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From the Clay to the Cup
Each one of us were made with purpose! We all have greatness within us; ready to manifest in our lives and the lives of others — if only we have the courage embrace it. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering ‘what is my purpose in life?’, the first thing to do is look within!
- Title: From the Clay to the Cup: The Making of a Man
- Presentation Run Time: 1hr
- Formats Available: Virtual & In-Person
The ‘From the Clay to the Cup’ keynote presentation will cover the following topics and learning outcomes:
- Embracing Your Purpose – What it means to find yourself by letting go
- What Does a Man of God Look Like? – Understanding your relationship with God is your own
- Becoming the Cup – Aligning with your purpose and what to do next
Romans 9:21
“Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?
Preview of full presentaton**
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